
We have the solution. It’s time to usher in a new era of sustainable food production and a limitless future of possibilities, liberating the planet of the burdens of agriculture.

Anything is possible

Traditional food production relies on agricultural means, requiring massive amounts of water and land. The impact of Solar Foods comes from breaking the connection between agriculture and food. We are living in exciting times: Solar Foods’ first commercial production facility is about to demonstrate how this impact works on scale.

With protein grown without vast tracts of field and irrigation, natural resources are liberated and biodiversity can flourish. This is how we feed the world, sustainably.

CO2 emissions must be cut fast
Even if we drastically reduce consumption, the planet will warm by two degrees, the limit of life as we know it.
30% of emissions come from food production
In other words, our current eating habits are a big part of the problem.
Livestock consumes 40% of habitable land
According to UN estimates, we will need over 50% more calories to feed people by mid-century. Our way of life and the amount of available land form an impossible equation.
Fish stocks will crash if nothing is done
The global fish catch peaked 20 years ago and it continues to drop. Meanwhile, more engine power and fuel are needed to go further out to sea to catch more fish.

Time for radical change

Throughout history, humanity has found success by harnessing the bounty of nature. Modern agriculture has created an era of well-being, but also led us to exceeding the limits of the planet. To create a prosperous future, we must find ways to spend natural resources more wisely.

The weight of water use

In the last century water use increased at almost twice the rate the world’s population grew. On average agriculture accounts for 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. The production of Solein lightens the load by requiring only a fraction of the water needed for agricultural food production.

Solein land use efficiency

For centuries, conventional food production has been based on meat and dairy. Livestock is the world’s largest user of land resources, with grazing land and cropland dedicated to the production of feed representing almost 80% of all agricultural land. Plants are more efficient, but even they pale in comparison to Solein.

Solein greenhouse gas reduction

Cattle produces 45 kilos of CO2 per kilo of protein which amounts to 14.5% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Again, plants are more efficient than animals, but Solein beats both in efficiency.

Solein can be carbon negative

Land released from agriculture can return to its natural state and start removing carbon from the atmosphere. If only a fraction of this land is used to produce Solein, an already minimal CO2 footprint turns into a carbon sink, thus becoming carbon negative.

The revolution of food production

In the future, favourable places for protein production can be those locations where it has previously been impossible. Extreme conditions can be harnessed to produce food.

One demonstration of this is Solar Foods’ first major production plant, Factory 01. Located in Finland, the facility defies expectations and grows food steadily and sustainably – even through the northern winter. Food can be grown as long as there is renewable energy: in the desert, in Arctic regions, in cities, even outer space.

Solar Foods’ vision is revolutionising the current food production order and the way we think. Discover the current situation of food production and the tremendous opportunities for the future on The New World Food Map.